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Everything Has Gone Digital

Rettbergs ch. 3 had sent my mind spiraling about how the web has changed our lives forever.  Social media has been changing our lives significantly since 2008 as we entered the bright new world of Web 2.0   Now that we have been thrown into this digital age where our smart phones are never more than a foot away, the web has been ingrained in our lives.  Technology being  intertwined in our everyday lives is a double-edged sword.

Speed is a main topic, we want it now and it better be fast.  People can share information in a matter of seconds, like citizen media which major advantage  is speed.  I have found citizen media very intriguing.  Whenever there has been a major news event, especially horrific ones such as the Boston Bombing, the first place I find out about it is Twitter.

The internet has shrunk space as well as time

Distance no  longer a large barrier. people can be connected across the world.  Almost anyone and everything can somehow been connected to the internet whether that be a photo of your dinner, a photo of you doing a keg stand, or even a photo of you at the beach on a day you called into work because you were “sick”.  Out networks are colliding (will link to future post tonight).  How should we respond to intruding role of the web?

The digital world cannibalizes time

In this Ted Talk Abha Dawesar “reflects on how time-warping technology, like social media and mobile devices, has changed our perception of our own personal narratives and perception. We live, instead, in what she calls the “digital now.”

In what ways has technology invaded your life?  Time created a calculator to see how much time you have spent on Facebook.