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What’s in That Deli Meat, and is it Good For You?

Research  has shown a links between processed meat consumption and premature death.  This particular researcher found a link between processed meat consumption and increased chance of early death, especially from hotdogcardiovascular disease and cancer. Deli meats are been under critique of whether their good or bad for quite awhile.

So what is processed meats?  Generally anything that is cut and then ground.   The term typically refers to meats (usually red meats) preserved by smoking, curing, salting or adding preservatives. Ham, bacon, pastrami, salami and bologna are processed meats.  As well as sausages, hot dogs, bratwursts and frankfurters. Few studies have defined processed meat to include turkey and chicken slices.

processed-meatMore research is necessary before any conclusion can be made on whether processed meat is safe because their is a variety of aspects like the smoking process in smoked meats, the salt, and the fat.  In the mean time be more cautious about the amount of processed meat you consume and try switching it out for white meat that you slice yourself.

Become more knowledgeable about what your putting on your sandwich.  The main three things you need to watch out for are:

  • sodium
  • nitrates (jury is still kinda out about these, nitrates can react with amines that occur in some types of food which then form carcinogens.  But otherwise nitrates are generally harmless to your body)
  • saturated fat